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Eye Floaters and Light Flashes

Eye floaters are black or semi transparent spots that appear to float in front of your eyes. This may look like hair or parts of a cobweb. Eye floaters and light flashes should be checked by an Optometrist urgently.

Eye Floaters are very common and are often harmless but sometimes it may be a sign of retinal detachment which needs urgent medical attention.

A regular 3D OCT scan will not only check your eyes in more detail but also monitor any changes. This early detection means more chance of treatment.

If you have any of the following symptoms we recommend that you urgently see your Optometrist or go to an eye casualty department​:

  • A sudden increase in floaters, and in particular if you also notice flashing lights

  • A large new floater

  • If you have had a direct blow to the eye and notice and change in eye floaters or flashing lights

  • A shadow that spreads across the vision of one of your eyes

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